
Monday, July 16, 2012


ONE OF the most exciting things that can happen to any person is to conceive a dream, particularly one that begets restlessness. A restless dream is one that moves you to act. It is a dream that does not make you live in peace until you take steps to pursue it.

Restlessness provokes you into action. When your dream provokes you into action, you are driven by optimism, passion and excitement. At this stage of your pursuit, you are aroused by your dream. You are very much in love with your dream. You believe it is achievable. Nobody or nothing can stop you. You have enough energy to surmount every obstacle that comes your way. You talk about it all day to everybody who cares to listen. It becomes your central focus.

Then beyond the excitement phase, routine steps into the picture. The routine phase is when you get so used to everything you’ve been doing. Here, things seem monotonous, uninspiring and ineffective. Somehow, your initial passion evaporates and boredom takes a seat in your life.

In this routine phase, many people lose faith in their dreams. They park themselves on the side lines of their pursuit and watch boredom drive their dreams away. Have you seen how two people who are crazily in love with one another lose their zest for the relationship and fall out of love with each other? It is very common to see a man do everything he can to win the love and commitment of a woman only to get tired after few months into the relationship. Or a woman puts up her best behaviour to win the attention of Prince Charming only to realise later that the Prince is just as human as other men.

Routine does not mean loss of essence. It just means that you have conquered one stage in your journey towards your dream and that it is time to move on to the next level. When you feel tempted to abandon your dream because of boredom, cast your mind back to the beginning and ask yourself if this is where you initially set out to be. If you do this with sincerity, you will realise two things. First, you have moved from where you were earlier. You have certainly made progress. Second, you will see that even though you have made progress, you have not fully achieved what you set out to achieve.

When you draw these two conclusions, you will embrace the fact that there is still something ahead. Where you are is not your dream land. The dream land is still in front of you. As human as we are, we would experience the flatness of boredom but we should not allow it to drive us to apathy or retrogression.

What can you do about your dreams when routine sets in and introduces you to boredom? I say to you, remember your original dream. The most dangerous threat to your dream is not boredom or tough challenges. The most dangerous threat to your dream is forgetfulness. Forgetfulness would make you lose focus on your dreams. It will make you concentrate on the challenges along the way and the convenience of giving up.

The next thing to do is to step up. To step up means you should lift your game. Operate at a new level. Upgrade your knowledge. Connect with new people. Adapt to new technology. Pray for spiritual renewal. Learn new skills. Stepping up reinvigorates you and gives you new enthusiasm. It moves you closer and higher to where you want to go. If you step up, your capacity will inevitably expand to accommodate the next level of your dream. Remember, the junction of boredom is not your destination.

After stepping up, make a solemn commitment to see your dream through. Decide that you will not give up until you win. Your original goal is always the main goal. Don’t settle for anything less than your original goal. Let it be your minimum standard.

© July 2012 Terry Mante
Personal Development Network (PEDNET)
Accra, Ghana

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