
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

STAGES OF ACHIEVEMENT 1 - Conception and Gestation

“For many women who get blessed with the fruit of the womb, the feeling of ecstasy, fulfilment and satisfaction replaces all the discomfort that tagged the pregnancy and the painful pangs of labour.” - Terry Mante

IN JUNE 2008, when young Jamie Lynn Spears, sister of US pop singer Britney Spears had a baby, she described it as “the best feeling in the world.” For many women who get blessed with the fruit of the womb, the feeling of ecstasy, fulfilment and satisfaction replaces all the discomfort that tagged the pregnancy and the painful pangs of labour.

“The best feeling in the world” is the feeling you get when you commit your ability, effort, intellect and emotion to accomplish something remarkable. Many people spend their lives in pursuit of that feeling. It is a feeling that is difficult to describe with words or even gestures but when you get it, you know it. It comes when you get your own baby – when you achieve a dream you have held long in your heart.

That feeling doesn’t come naturally. You work your way to it. You do things to get it. You move through different stages, just as a woman passes through different phases to get a baby. I’m going to use the analogy of having a baby to illustrate how you can achieve your dreams and experience true fulfilment.

CONCEPTION is the first step towards having a baby. A baby is the product of a conception – when a sperm fertilises an egg to begin what we call pregnancy. Likewise, if you want to have a baby of your own, you must conceive. You must grasp a dream and couch it in concrete terms. You must have a clue of what you want. It is called idea. To conceive an idea, few things must happen:

1. Maturity: A lady who has not gone through the stage of puberty (where she has her menses) cannot conceive and have a baby. Neither can a male who has not reached the stage of puberty (when he can release sperms) make a woman pregnant. Until a person matures to the stage of puberty, there is no way such a person can conceive.

To conceive an idea worthy of pursuit in your life, you must necessarily attain the stage of maturity. Maturity is a stage of life where you are fully grown and developed with enough mental, physical and emotional capacity to bear the responsibility of carrying a dream. Mature people have the capacity to come up with compelling dreams that become their objects of pursuit.

2. Intercourse: The fact of being mature does not automatically engender conception. Maturity gives capacity to conceive. Intercourse activates capacity and enables a person to conceive.

In your mature stage, you must be able to effectively engage your emotional, mental and physical capacity to process information, thoughts, mistakes, failures, discoveries, national events and everything that has ever crossed your path. The evidence of your engagement with life will be packaged in the dreams you pursue and the ideas you hold on to.

3. Context: Conception is moderated by context. Take the case of a twelve year-old in junior high school who gets pregnant. At that age and stage of life, getting pregnant may not be the smartest thing to do. The person might have the physical maturity but may not have enough financial and mental muscle to carry the weight and consequences of pregnancy.

When you desire a vision, it is essential that you examine the context before you begin to run. Context is measured by timeliness, opportunity, resourcefulness, consequences and life station. Without a proper context, your dream could be a terrifying nightmare.

BETWEEN conception and birth, there is a space of time. This space of time is called gestation. Loads of changes occur in the life of a pregnant woman – physiological adjustments, dietary specificities, new exercise routines, maternity clothing and so on. A pregnant woman behaves differently from when she was not pregnant or another woman who is not pregnant. She has to adjust her lifestyle in order to protect the baby she carries in her womb.

Likewise, a person who is pregnant with a dream must know how to go through the gestation phase of that pregnancy. The gestation period is the time when you discipline yourself to adjust to a new lifestyle for the sake of your dreams. If you want to protect your dream and ensure that you deliver that dream safely, take note of the following:

1. Place: A pregnant woman makes regular visits to the hospital for pre-natal care. Those visits are critical to the success or failure of the pregnancy.

When you have a dream that means so much to you, you will go to the right places. The right place is where you find experts, mentors and like-minded people who believe in your dream, know how your dream can be nurtured and will be willing to offer whatever you need.

2. Diet: Pregnant women who want to deliver healthy babies are cautious about what they take in. Some things they take in are completely new to them. Sometimes, they stop taking in certain things they enjoy because it could harm the baby in the womb.

Any person who is pregnant with an idea must reorient their appetite. They must have a desire for new knowledge. They must reorganise their value system and adopt a culture that facilitates the dream they carry. They must also be willing to suppress their appetite for things that could hinder the success of their pursuit.

Note: For the concluding part of this piece, use this link:

© March 2012 Terry Mante
Accra, Ghana

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