You cannot arrive at any destination without paying the fare - Terry Mante
EASTER is the most important and oldest festival of the Church,
celebrating the death and resurrection of Christ. The account of Easter has
many lessons that we can apply to our lives. The night before the arrest that
culminated in Jesus’ crucifixion, He admitted to his top disciples in the
garden of Gethsemane that His heart was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of
Then onward, He separated Himself and spent the entire night praying.
He was in agony. He sought the solidarity of His top aides who could not
control the heaviness of their eyes. He was lonely and frustrated. He was in
pain. His prayer that night, in my own words, was “Father, this death is going
to be a painful one. I really don’t feel like dying anymore. If you don’t mind,
release me from this assignment. Nevertheless, I am prepared to do whatever you
want me to do.”
By that prayer, Jesus brought to light the pain and frustration that
was associated with His impending death. At the same time, He also made a
choice to follow the path that leads to fulfillment. In my estimation, this is
where the incident of Easter actually took place and there are many lessons to
be gleaned from this episode. We’ll consider four lessons.
AT Gethsemane, Jesus made a choice to submit to the Father’s will for
His life. Although He had the option to follow a convenient path, He chose to
allow God’s original plan for His life to prevail.
In life, there will be moments of pain, despondency and depression.
There will be seasons of betrayal. In such seasons, you may be tempted to trade
long-term benefits for short-term quick fixes. What should you do in moments
like that? You can take a cue from Jesus. You may prayerfully give up your
natural conveniences for God’s eternal purposes.
THERE is a reason each human being was created. In the case of Jesus,
He had come to reconcile the human race to God through His death and
resurrection. This was very clear to Him. It was something He so much desired
to accomplish. He was not prepared to sacrifice this mission for any
convenience of life.
We must also realize that we are alive for a reason. Our lives were
designed to accomplish something in particular. It is when we recognize this and
organize our lives around the purpose for our lives that we will find meaning
and significance.
EASTER has become such a big deal because of its value to the human
race. Although Jesus’ death was in fulfillment of God’s will for His life, it
was also very relevant to the people of the earth. That is why the world
celebrates His death and resurrection every year.
We must also determine to make our lives worth celebrating by others. This
can be done if we become useful to people. We must not be selfish in our
pursuits. We must live in such a way that we make contributions that make the
world a better place for all of us.
JESUS’ Gethsemane experience was a moment of
destiny. It was the moment when He really had to overcome the final hurdle to becoming
all that He had been destined to be. However, one thing stood in His way. While
His spirit was willing to go all the way to the cross, His body was determined
to keep Him on earth. This was the battle He needed to resolve throughout that
After a long and difficult struggle, He brought his
body under subjection and decided to stick with the plan. How many times have
we not jettisoned great plans because we got to the cross roads?
Sometimes, we have to endure pain to achieve what
we need to achieve. Pain is the price we pay for the place we want to get to.
You cannot arrive at any destination without paying a fare. Jesus paid with His
life. What are you willing to give up?
© 2014 by Terry Mante
CEO, Personal Development Network (PEDNET)
Accra, Ghana
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